Scarface Lion: The Legend of Masai Mara

Scarface was a well-known alpha lion, who lived in the Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The Masai lion was known for his distinctive scar above his left eye, which he received during a fight with another alpha lion. Scarface was a dominant male of his pride for most of the prime years of his life.
He was well known among tourists and wildlife photographers for his majestic appearance and powerful presence. Despite his fearsome reputation, Scarface was also known for being a loving father to his cubs and was the sole protector of his pride. He passed away in 2013 at the age of 14, but his legacy lives on in the memories of those who knew him.
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The Scarface Lion Pride
Scarface was a legendary alpha lion, native to the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. You could easily spot him through his distinctive scar above his eye (left), which he received while fighting another alpha lion. He held the position of dominant male of the Marsh Pride for several years.
He sired many cubs during that time. His successful hunting skills and protective behavior towards his cubs earned him fame among tourists and wildlife photographers alike. For a young lion to be recognized as the king of pride, Scarface had to fight much older lions of the pride during his adolescence.
Moreover, his strong bond with his mate Tawny endeared him to viewers of Big Cat Diary who followed their story closely. Today, Scarface’s legacy lives on through his many offspring still living in the Maasai Mara National Reserve today, carrying on his vital role in the ecosystem.
Birth of Scarface the Lion
Scarface the Lion was a sought-after lion who lived in the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya for many years. It is not clear exactly when the lion was born, but it is believed that he was born either in the late 1990s or early 2000s.
Regardless of his exact birthdate, Scarface became the dominant male of the Marsh Pride in the late 1990s. His legacy lives on through his many offspring still living in the Maasai Mara National Reserve today, carrying on his vital role in the ecosystem.
Death of Scarface the Lion
Scarface died due to old age and starvation at 1:00 pm (Kenya time) on 11th June 2021, in the Ashnil area of the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. He was a key figure in the Marsh Pride and he died in peace without any disturbance from other lions or hyenas.
After he died, the pride went through a period of instability as different males attempted to take his place as the leader. Eventually, a male named Notch was able to establish himself as the dominant male of the pride. With the death of Scarface, the Mara has lost yet another most famous lion.
How Did Scarface the Lion Get its Iconic Scar
Scarface the Lion was renowned for his distinctive scar above his left eye, which he received during a fight with another alpha lion. The exact circumstances of how he got this iconic scar are not known, but it is commonly accepted that he either was born with it or received it in a territorial or mating dispute with another lion.
Lions are known to engage in physical confrontations with one another, and so it is possible that scar was the result of such an altercation. Regardless of its origin, the scar became synonymous with Scarface. It earned him fame among tourists and wildlife photographers alike.
The Scarface Pride of Lions
There have been a number of documentaries made about the Scarface Pride and the lions that live there, including the BBC’s “Lions: Spy in the Den” and “Big Cat Week: Scarface Lions.” These documentaries provide insight into the lives of the lions, their social behavior, and the ecological challenges that the lions face in the wild, such as competition for territory/food.
Alpha Lions of the Scarface Pride
Scarface had three brothers, Hunter, Sikio, and Morani. The four brothers dominated the Malaika and Ashnil camp territories along the Mara River. He gained a scar on his eye at the age of four during a raid with his siblings. Tragically, his brother Hunter died in 2017.
His legend is still retold in many african safari camps. Despite his aggressive behavior and dominant personality, He was also known for his strong bond with his mate, Tawny. You can find more info on Scarface in a Facebook page that is dedicated to his life. The two were often seen grooming each other and spending time together.
Top Five Facts on Lion Prides
- Lion prides are social groups that consist of related females, their offspring, and a few males. The females in a pride are usually sisters, daughters, and cousins, and they work together to raise their young and defend their territory. The males in a pride are typically unrelated to the females and are there to protect the pride and mate with the females.
- Lion prides are typically led by a dominant female, who is usually the oldest and most experienced member of the group. She makes most of the decisions for the pride and leads the group on hunts.
- Lion prides are territorial. They will defend their territory from other prides and predators. Lions communicate through vocalizations, body language, and scent marking.
- Lion prides are known for their cooperative hunting behavior. The females do most of the hunting, while the males protect the pride and help bring down larger prey. Lions typically hunt large herbivores, such as antelopes, zebras, and wildebeest, although they will also prey on smaller animals if the opportunity arises.
- Lion prides are found throughout much of Africa, although their distribution and abundance can vary greatly depending on the availability of prey and the presence of other predators. In some areas, lion prides may face threats from habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans. Conservation efforts are underway in many parts of Africa to protect lions and their habitats.
Top 5 Lion Prides of Africa
- The Marsh Pride in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya
- The Serengeti Lions in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania
- The Tsavo Lions in Tsavo National Park in Kenya
- The Savute Pride in the Chobe National Park in Botswana
- The Djuma Pride in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve in South Africa
The Marsh Pride of Lions
The Marsh Pride is a group of lions that lived in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, East Africa. You are most likely to hear about the group through the BBC television series “Big Cat Diary,” which followed the daily lives of the lions and other big cats living in the reserve.
The Marsh Pride consisted of several adult females, their cubs, and a few adult males. The pride was led by a male lion named Kike, who was known for his fierce and protective nature. The pride was known for its territorial behavior and was aggressive in defending their territory from other prides and predators.

The Marsh Pride played a significant role in the lion society of the Maasai Mara National Reserve and had a strong influence on the behavior and social dynamics of other lion prides in the area. The Marsh Pride’s story was followed by millions of viewers around the world and helped to raise awareness about the importance of preserving wildlife and the natural world.
Scarface The Lion: Wildlife Documentaries
Scarface had always fascinated wildlife documentarists. A lion was featured in a number of documentaries, which led to its rising popularity. He was the king of wildlife documentaries in the Mara. The Mara has lost yet another of its wildlife gems with his death. Here are some of the notable documentaries that captured the life of the legendary lion in the Mara.
BBC's "Lions: Spy in the Den"
BBC’s “Lions: Spy in the Den” is a documentary series that was broadcast in 2002 and follows a group of lions, known as the Scarface Pride, living in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. The series utilized hidden cameras and other advanced filming techniques to capture an intimate look at the lives, behaviors, and social dynamics of these majestic animals.

The series followed individual members of the pride like Kike, who was known for his fierce protection of his territory, while also exploring the role of females in raising their young and working together as a unit. The Scarface Pride had to face many challenges throughout their daily lives such as competing for food and defending their territory from other predators like hyenas or crocodiles.
Lions: Spy in the Den provides viewers with an interesting insight into how lions behave within their natural habitats and offers an engaging look at life from the perspective of these wild creatures. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of conservation efforts being made to protect lions and their habitats in Africa.
In addition to being informative about lion behavior, this series also highlights different conservation efforts being undertaken throughout Africa which are aimed at protecting these animals from threats such as poaching, habitat loss and human-lion conflict.
The success of this series has led to increased awareness about the need for preservation of wildlife populations by both conservation organizations and viewers alike. It has inspired people to take action when it comes to preserving our planet’s environment and its inhabitants.
Big Cat Week
Big Cat Week is a documentary series produced by the Discovery Channel that focuses on the lives of big cats, such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, and leopards. It provides stunning footage of these animals in their natural habitats, and was celebrated for exploring their behavior, biology, and conservation.
Each episode of Big Cat Week takes viewers to some of the world’s most remote locations around the globe where big cats roam freely. The series also takes an in-depth look at their relationships with each other as well as how they navigate their environment and face challenges such as habitat loss, poaching, and conflicts with humans.
The series aims to educate viewers about the importance of protecting these animals and their habitats while inspiring people to take action to help conserve these species. In addition to offering insights on wild cats’ social dynamics, Big Cat Week highlights the struggles they face in order to survive in their harsh environment.
The show follows individual lions within a pride as they protect their territory from other predators and scavenge for food. Females are shown working together to raise cubs while males lead aggressively defending vital resources from others intruding upon it.
Big Cat Week also looks at how human activity affects big cats both positively and negatively; from conservation efforts that have allowed populations of some species to rebound from near extinction, such as tigers in India or snow leopards living in China.
To poachers hunting down these majestic creatures for either sport or financial gain by selling body parts on the black market. It is through programs like Big Cat Week that more awareness can be brought about for wild cats around the world so that one day this beloved species can thrive undisturbed by humanity’s negative impacts again.
Scarface - The Rise of a Legendary Lion
Scarface – The Rise of a Legendary Lion is an independent documentary series that follows the story of Scarface, from his birth to adulthood as the alpha lion, capturing every step of his journey. Produced by Simone Pecorari, this documentary showcases many thrilling and captivating moments in Scarface’s life as he navigates the wilds of Masai Mara. For a young lion to be recognized as the king of pride, Scarface had to fight much older lions of the pride during his adolescence.
The series features amazing footage of Scarface hunting prey including a giraffe and engaging in intense battles with other male lions for control of his territory. Despite suffering a violent defeat in his younger years, Scarface eventually returns to reclaim what was rightfully his. As viewers follow Scarface’s story, they are exposed to a greater understanding of the struggles and challenges that big cats face in the wild such as poaching and habitat loss.
Throughout the series, viewers are inspired to take action and help conserve these species as a way to preserve wildlife and the natural world. Scarface – The Rise of a Legendary Lion is an insightful and educational documentary series offering an intimate look into the lives of these beloved animals.
Big Cat Diary
Big Cat Diary was an immensely popular and critically acclaimed BBC television series that focused on the daily lives of a group of lions, leopards, and cheetahs living in the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.
The series was presented by Simon King and featured a number of other wildlife experts and researchers who studied the animals and their behavior. It showcased stunning footage of big cats in the wild, and viewers got to witness their hunting, mating, rearing of young, and struggles against predators such as hyenas and crocodiles.
In addition to providing insight into the social dynamics of the lions, Big Cat Diary highlighted the challenges these animals face including habitat loss, poaching, competition for resources, disease outbreaks and conflicts with humans. This documentary series also helped to raise awareness about conservation efforts for these majestic creatures.
As well as being praised for its beautiful cinematography and engaging storytelling, Big Cat Diary has been credited with educating viewers about the importance of protecting wildlife habitats across Africa. Furthermore, it inspired viewers all over the world to take action to help conserve these species and their fragile ecosystems.

Scarface the Lion F&Q
Who were the brothers of the Scarface Lion in the Mara?
Scar, as he was affectionately called, had three brothers; Hunter, Morani and Sikio. They formed a deadly hunting team, and several of their hunts are recorded in different wildlife documentaries. For a young lion to be recognized as the king of pride, Scarface had to fight much older lions of the pride during his adolescence.

How long do lions live in the wild?
In the wild, lions typically live for around 10 to 14 years, although some individuals have been known to live for up to 20 years. In captivity, where they are protected from many of the hazards that they face in the wild, lions can live for up to 25 years or more.
What was the Musketeer coalition of lions?
Scarface was a lion who gained fame for being part of a group of four lions known as the “Musketeer coalition.” The four lions were known for their territorial conquests, including taking over the Marsh Pride, which was featured in the BBC documentary Big Cats Diary, and the Paradise Pride in 2016. Scarface was estimated to have controlled a territory of 400 square kilometers.
When did Scarface Lion die?
According to the Kenya Wildlife Service, Scarface died due to old age and starvation at 1:00 pm (Kenya time) in June 2021, in the Ashnil area of the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. Scarface was a key figure in the Marsh Pride and he died in peace without any disturbance from other lions or hyenas. With the death of Scarface, the Mara has lost yet another most famous lion.
Was Scarface an alpha male ?
In the wild, male lions are known as “alphas” because they are the dominant members of the pride and hold a higher social rank than females. As the leader of his pride, Scarface would have been considered an alpha lion. Scarface was responsible for protecting and providing for their pride, and played a key role in the social dynamics of the group.
How did the lion Scarface die?
The Scarface Lion died of natural causes, mainly due to old age and starvation. He left in peace without any disturbance from other lions or predators. Usually, when an alpha lion dies, he is replaced by the next most dominant lion in the group. After the death of Scarface, a new lion named Notch took up his position in the pride.
Why is lion Scarface so popular?
Scarface was one of the most famous lions, known for his bravery and strength, and he was respected by other lions in the pride. Along with his brothers, he ruled the area around the Ashnil Safari Camp in Masai Mara, Kenya. He was also known for his successful mating habits, as he fathered many cubs during his lifetime. He was recognized through a distinct scar on his right eye. Scarface has a dedicated facebook page created by his fans.